With Christmas and New Years falling the way they do this year, RE classes were cut short. It would be very helpful if you could please review the attached First Penance material (button at bottom) with your child prior to our retreat day on Saturday January 6th.
We will go over the material on Saturday as well, but it would be very helpful if you have reviewed it with your child beforehand.
The retreat will be from 9:00am-12:30pm at St. Mary Hall. Parents are welcome to join us, and we could really use some help from parents with the below activities that day.
Please review and let me know if you might be able to assist in any way, then I will send you additional information.
Small Group Leaders — leading a group of children from workshop to workshop.
Video on First Penance — a video on First Penance will be shown and students will complete a worksheet which reinforces the video.
Purple Chocolate Crosses — Students will make purple chocolate cross pops. Facilitator will discuss connections between penance and the cross.
Poster Making — Students will use art as a medium to draw what reconciliation is about.
Reconciliation Book — Students will put together a small book which reminds them of the steps for reconciliation.
Volunteering to make a food item for snack break — PLEASE absolutely no nuts and you should label with ingredients.
I look forward to seeing everyone on Jan 6th. Please note our First Penance Liturgy is scheduled for Sunday January 14th at 2pm at St. Mary Church.