St. Patrick’s Church in Whitinsville offers a warm place to sleep to those who find themselves homeless during these cold nights. See how you can help ...HERE
Our parish has been supporting the IHN Family Shelter in Worcester for many years! We need volunteers to cover evening and overnight shifts. We will have a 2nd collection at all Masses Feb. 15th/16th. Please be generous with your time, talent and treasure for this amazing program! ...LEARN MORE
Our Lady of Hope Finance Committee and Pastoral Council met together with Fr. Anthony to review a proposal that would address the parish’s current and projected operating losses as well as its excess facilities capacity. ...GET ALL THE UPDATES HERE
Please see the attached document available at St. Mary Church by the doors which explains the Sanctuary and church renovation. Also check out the Photo Album below.
Everything you wanted to know about The Divine Mercy and didn't know to ask! Join Lynda Caya for this 10-week series on Wednesdays at 6:00 PM at OLH at St. Philip beginning Sept. 11th. ...LEARN MORE
Read about current events and celebrating 60 years of service! Fr. John O.M.I. has a wish list if you could prayerfully consider helping out in some way. Thank You!
We will be moving the tabernacle back to the Sanctuary behind the altar and some other changes. Read how it will impact Masses 4/23 - 6/1. ...LEARN MORE
Join us for Adoration & Prayers from Friday 3/22 at 8:30pm to Saturday 3/23 at 8:30am, concluding with Holy Mass for the men attending the Annual Priestly Diocesan Discernment Retreat. ....READ MORE