Please consider giving through our online form. Otherwise, you can mail checks (no cash!) to the Parish office in your envelope or a plain envelope. We need your weekly donations to keep going. Thank you for being flexible and supporting our Parish!
How to use Online Giving:
Thank you for placing your trust in us and using the Online Giving function of our Parish website.
Email notification will confirm your gift was received. Recurring gifts receive notification just prior to, and when each gift is processed.
Online gifts meet the same security standards as online banking. Just be sure to use a secure internet connection (not a public wifi spot).
Processing and reporting is much faster and more efficient, and there's no need to ever collect or store parishioner account information.
May the Lord's Peace be with You...
We are so grateful to you for your generous donation to saint James Parish. Your payment is complete. If there are any issues, Lisa Stewart will contact you.
Your commitment to our parish is essential to the life of our community.
May the good Lord reward you and our Lady intercede for you.
Fr. Anthony Mpagi
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