Bienvenido, Powitanie, Bienvenu, Welcome to Our Lady of Hope Parish. We are a newly created parish in the Diocese of Worcester, Massachusetts.
The mission of our website is the mission of Christ: To bring all people, to know, love and serve God. We find in Jesus a friend, brother and companion... We are in need of fellowship, joy, a word of encouragement, direction, answers as we journey through life.
Let the Spirit 'move you' to extend an invitation in word and deed to all you encounter, to find hope and peace in Christ.
To the poor he proclaimed the good news of salvation, to prisioners, freedom, and to the sorrowful of heart, joy.
To accomplish your plan, he gave himself up to death,
and, rising from the dead, he destroyed death and restored life. ( Eucharistic Prayer IV)
Welcome again, Fr. Anthony Mpagi Pastor of Our Lady of Hope The Catholic Churches of Saint James, Saint Mary and Saint Philip in Grafton, MA
"What are you looking for?", Christ asked of his disciples.
Are you new or have been away from the Church? Are you Catholic and have not received the Sacraments? We welcome and invite you to LEARN MORE about the faith that Jesus Christ founded.